yarn and needles


Bolster your skills or tackle a new technique — no matter what, we always have a good time. Here’s a list of my upcoming classes and appearances:

Upcoming Classes

Uncommon Threads Yarn Shop, Los Altos, CA · Mar 16 & 24 · In Person

The Right Yarn for the Job · Sunday, March 16,  4 – 5:30 pm

Many’s the sad knitter who has been lured into an unwise marriage of yarn and pattern by the flash of color in a pretty little variegated skein or the come-hither glance of mohair, only to realize too late that this pattern and that yarn were never meant to be together. In this lecture, we’ll share some of the worst arranged yarn marriages of all time, then dive into common causes of mismatch and guidelines for making smarter yarn pairings.

Better Fitting Knitting · Monday, March 24, 10 am – 1 pm

What do the knitting pros know that you don’t about sweater size and fit? In this class we’ll get into the “knitty” gritty of why your sweaters so often don’t fit, and provide the knowledge and tools that will allow you to make sweaters that fit every time.

Ladderback Jacquard for Stranded Knitting · Monday, March 24, 2:30 – 5:30 pm

Once you add this technique to your knitting toolbox, you may never want to go back to any other method of carrying floats!

Busy Stix Yarn Shop, Lafayette, CA · Mar 22 · In Person

Trunk show and Spring Class preview

Virtual Vogue Knitting Live, Mar 28-30

Purl Wise · Friday, Mar 28 · 2 – 4 pm EDT

If you struggle with purling or don’t like to do it, perhaps you haven’t found the way that works best for you yet. In this class you’ll learn the Norwegian purl, Russian/Eastern (combination) purling, and Portugese purling. 

Lecture: How to Identify a Pattern That’s Good for *You* – Friday, Mar 28 · 4:30 – 5:30 pm EDT

There’s plenty of talk these days about what makes a good pattern, but what’s more important is identifying what makes a pattern good for you. Amy will explore what details to look for that make patterns easier to understand and, therefore, to knit. She will also talk fit, yarn substitution, construction choices, and how to identify potential red flags before they push your projects off the rails.

Better Fitting Knitting · Saturday, March 29, 2 – 4 pm EDT

What do the knitting pros know that you don’t about sweater size and fit? In this class we’ll get into the “knitty” gritty of why your sweaters so often don’t fit, and provide the knowledge and tools that will allow you to make sweaters that fit every time.

TKGA Next Level Knitting Conference, Virtual · April 4-6

Ladderback Jacquard for Stranded Knitting

Once you add this technique to your knitting toolbox, you may never want to go back to any other method of carrying floats!

Advanced Ladderback Jacquard

In this class, we’ll explore more advanced use cases for Ladderback Jacquard, including working with three or colors and knitting flat.

Better Fitting Knits

What do the knitting pros know that you don’t about sweater size and fit? In this class we’ll get into the knitty-gritty of why your sweaters so often don’t fit, and provide the knowledge and tools that will allow you to make sweaters that fit every time. 

Maker Festival, Lancaster, PA · Jul 30-Aug 3 · In Person

Fascinating Finishes: Embroidering Your Knits · Thursday, Jul 30 · 9 am – noon EDT

What’s better than a finished object? A fascinatingly finished object! Learn to take your knits to the next level with these arresting embroidery finishes. 

The Art of Stranded Knitting · Thursday, Jul 30 · 2 pm – 5 pm EDT

From the Fair Isles to Norway and Iceland to Sweden, stranded colorwork is a staple of northern knitting traditions. We’ll explore these traditions and work out the best techniques for our own stranded knitting.

Ladderback Jacquard for Stranded Knitting · Friday, Aug 1 · 9 am – noon EDT

Once you add this technique to your knitting toolbox, you may never want to go back to any other method of carrying floats!

Advanced Ladderback Jacquard · Friday, Aug 1 · 2 pm – 5 pm EDT

In this class, we’ll explore more advanced use cases for Ladderback Jacquard, including working with three or colors and knitting flat.

Purl This · Saturday, Aug 2 · 9 am – noon EDT

If you struggle with purling or don’t like to do it, perhaps you haven’t found the way that works best for you yet. In this class you’ll learn the Norwegian purl, Russian/Eastern (combination) purling, and Portugese purling. 

Better Fitting Knitting · Saturday, Aug 2 · 2 pm – 5 pm EDT

What do the knitting pros know that you don’t about sweater size and fit? In this class we’ll get into the knitty-gritty of why your sweaters so often don’t fit, and provide the knowledge and tools that will allow you to make sweaters that fit every time. 

Brioche Without Breakdowns: How to Recognize and Fix Brioche Mistakes Sunday, Aug 3 · 9 am – noon

In this class we’ll examine the different types of mistakes that happen in brioche knitting, and practice recognizing and fixing them. 

Seascape Knit Trips Alaska 2025 Cruise · Aug 11-22

11-Day cruise to Alaska including Galcier Bay, round-trip from San Francisco

Classes include: Ladderback Jacquard, Fizzy Drinks Coasters, Colorific Cast-Ons, and The Right Yarn for the Job

Private Classes — Your Choice of Topic

I am available to teach private classes for knitting guilds and small groups either virtually or in-person. Email DeviousKnitter(at)gmail.com to inquire about rates and availability.

For my full course catalog, click here.

My self-hosted classes are conducted virtually over Zoom, and you’ll be able to download logon information and homework (if any) immediately upon registering. I record these classes and make them available to participants for several weeks after each class date. For registration and additional information, click on each class.

For classes taught via other festivals, check the registration links for each event’s policies.