The Zugzwang Shawl: Cozy Knitting for Winter
January 23, 2025Introducing my newest shawl pattern: Zugzwang. It's a triangular shawl knit from the coziest of fibers, with interesting moves in the stitches and between them. Best of all, it's exactly the sort of thing you want to cuddle up with this time of year.
Sneaky Santa Virtual Greeting Exchange
/ December 5, 2024Would you like to join me for a virtual holiday greeting exchange? I have mixed feelings about Secret Santa exchanges. They can be lots of fun, but also I hate going to the post office to mail…
Why We Should All Be Going To Lambtown
/ October 14, 2024It’s been a week, and I can’t stop thinking, “We should all be going to Lambtown.” By that I mean that the West Coast knitting community, the fiber arts community, the crochet folks and the weaving folks…
Meet The Teachers for the 2025 Alaska Knitting Cruise
/ September 27, 2024Are you getting excited for our 2025 Alaska Knitting cruise? Me too! I thought it would be fun for everyone (whether you’re already registered or not) to have a chance for Q&A with our three teachers. So…
Happy Pride!
/ June 1, 2024Happy Pride! As you may recall, for each of the past few years I’ve released a Pride-themed rainbow pattern in June, with proceeds from the sale of the pattern going to the Trevor Project, the Human Rights Campaign, and Knit…
Sailing Away
/ March 21, 2024I’ve been working behind the scenes to organize something really big, and I’m so excited to share the news with you all! In August of 2025, I’ll be hosting the KnitNorth 2025 Alaska knitting cruise — an…
Knitting Along
/ January 8, 2024In deference to the New Year’s resolution I made about my knitting (you can read about that here if you missed it), I’m giving myself permission to knit things for fun this year, and sometimes that means…
New Thoughts About New Year’s Resolutions
/ January 5, 2024Happy New Year, knitters! Do you make New Year’s resolutions? I generally don’t, but I was thinking about them in new ways, particularly in terms of my knitting, and realized I did have things I wanted to…
Come Sail Away With Me
/ December 1, 2023If you don’t already know this about me… my happiest place is by the water. So when the Cephalopod Sisters of Northwest Yarn & Fiber asked me to be the knitting instructor on their August 2024 nautical…
What’s the Buzz?
/ November 22, 2023There’s a lot of buzz this week as TWO different gift-a-longs are starting up. That means fun, prizes, and plenty of pattern discounts! In fact, these are the deepest pattern discounts I offer all year, so if…
Perfect Pie Crust
/ October 27, 2023I know that’s a big claim, perfect pie crust. Aren’t we all looking for it? And don’t we all have a different definition of what that is? My perfect pie crust is light and crisp more than…