Amy Snell | Knitter, Instructor, Collector of Yarn
Escape from Snelloween
October 31, 2017
Snelloween was a little different this year.
When guests arrived, they first had to find a password to be admitted to the house.
Behind them was a graveyard …
Where a particular message was highlighted:
Inside, guests found this:
And this:
“One Snelloween long ago, and unfortunate guest didn’t survive the night. He’s been haunting this house ever since … as will you, if you can’t figure out how to escape before the evening is out.
“Legend has it, bizarre things happened to him throughout the evening. It was as if time stopped wherever he went. Strange costumes had him on edge. He got a bite to eat and sat down with a good book, but something spooked him. Needing some fresh air, he staggered to the back deck, but collapsed dead outside.
If you can bring to light the details of his death, his spirit may help you escape before you suffer the same fate.”
In the bathroom, guests found this clue:
And when they turned out the lights, the UV light revealed a haunting reflection:
Odd letter patterns were glimpsed through the flames of the fireplace:
In the family room, a deck of cards was missing a key figure:
In the living room was an interrupted game of Scrabble:
With the following hint:
The corner bookcase contained a clue:
To the answer looming above:
“…time stood still wherever he went.” Including in the entry hall:
And the back deck, where he is said to have died:
This playlist was posted on the wall:
But it contained no four-letter songs.
Clever guests noticed that the list was not numbered, but seemed to have a letter key.
Four of the songs were on the list were clued throughout the party:
“After Midnight”
“Hotel California”
“This is Halloween”
“Total Eclipse of the Heart”
The alphabetic listings of the four songs spelled out the answer:
As guests enjoyed the party food …
They slowly revealed the answer:
The cocktail bar would reveal the answer, where cups came in three colors:
Each with a certain letter on the bottom:
The key to decoding the killer’s identity was hidden in plain sight on the cocktail descriptions:
where the color pattern on the bottom edge gave an order for arranging the cups:
With the fully filled-out answer sheet in hand, guests were nearly at the end of their quest:
And were given a sheet of vellum:
Which when placed over top of the answer sheet, revealed the final pass phrase:
Which he was.
With a key.
Thanks to all our friends who made Snelloween so special this year by playing along. And congratulations to those intrepid souls who escaped!