If You Take a Boy to Yosemite…

If you take a boy to Yosemite, he will want to bring his bike. If he wants to bring his bike, so will his brother. If he and his brother bring their bikes, you and your husband will need yours. If you and your husband bring your bikes, the kids’ bikes will no longer fit on your two-bike carrier. If the kids’s bikes don’t fit on the carrier, they are going to have to go inside. If you fit the bikes inside the SUV, they will displace half of your camping equipment. If you make room for the camping equipment, you need to take the wheels off the bikes. If you take the wheels off the bikes, you have to reassemble them when you get to Yosemite. If you have to reassemble the bikes at Yosemite, you’re going to need a toolbox. If you have to bring a toolbox, you won’t have room for the boy.