Super Summer Shawl-Along

Shall we knit together? I think it would be fun. I’m going to host a KAL, a very loosey-goosey sort of KAL, and I’m calling it the Super Summer Shawlalong.

The Shawlalong will take place July 23 – September 10 on Ravelry, Instagram and my Facebook KAL group. It will incorporate four of my shawl patterns, so you can pick your favorite:


Lorelei’s Looking Glass

a mosaic shawl worked in shades of blue and teal is draped across a white railing. The ocean is in the distant background

Pride Goeth Before the Shawl

Slippery Slope

There will be prizes, of course, from our wonderful official yarn suppliers! (You don’t have to get your yarn from them but they do have great stuff.)

Louisiana Yarn Guys
Morehouse Farm Merino
Sassy Black Yarns
Summer Camp Fibers

We’ll also have a Cast-On Party (July 23), Mid-way Social (tentatively Aug 17), and Wrap Party (Sept 10). Zoom details for those will be shared closer to the dates.

How it Works: 
I want this to be pretty simple, easy and accessible for as many of you as possible. You can participate either on Ravelry, Facebook, or Instagram.

-Pick one of my shawl patterns to knit. If you already own one of my shawl patterns you can knit that, or you can purchase the pattern of your choosing from my Ravelry or Payhip shops.

-Get some yarn. It can be stash yarn or something wonderful from one of our official yarn suppliers, or yarn from anywhere. I do suggest paying good attention to the yarn requirements that are listed in each pattern to make sure you’ll be pleased with your end results.

-Cast on. You can do it at our Cast On party, or sooner if you’re too excited to wait.

-Post some photos of your progress and your finished shawl! We’ll be using the hashtag #SSSAL, so be sure to tag your posts with it. Your posts can be on the Ravelry groupFacebook group, or even just on Instagram.

-Share your progress, encouragement, and questions here on the Ravelry group or our Facebook group. I’ll check in periodically in case my help is needed, and group members may also be a good source of help and advice for each other.

Prizes: We’ll have yarn to give away, as well as some other terrific goodies from our yarn sponsors. I’ll also be giving away a signed copy of Thicket, the Knit Picks pattern book that includes my Kinriver poncho.

-Everyone who posts at least one photo of their shawl-in-progress between July 23 and Sept 10 will be eligible for the participants’ prize drawings, and those who post a photo of their finished shawl will be eligible for the finishers’ prize drawings. We’ll draw for prizes at the Wrap Party but you won’t need to be present to win.