• The hand-knit Powderbowl cowl in shades of cream and blue lays across bare branches above the snow

    Did the Designer Include Enough Yarn to Swatch?

    I often hear this question in one form or another: When the designer wrote the yardage requirements for this knitting pattern, did they include yarn for swatching? The answer, as with so many things in knitting, is,…

  • 10 Yarn Commandments

    1. Thou shalt makest the projects thou enjoyest making, and use the yarn thou enjoyest using and can afford, yea verily even though it be not the yarn or projects all the "cool knitters" prefer. 2. Thou…

  • knitting swatches in different colors and stitch patterns

    What Do You Do With a Swatch?

    I was sorting through my bits 'n' bobs basket this morning... you know, the place where you keep the leftovers from your projects? That one. I found a few swatches shoved in there that had