Would Knit Be Fun?

Wouldn’t it be fun to hang out together and knit while we hear fun stories from interesting people? That’s the inspiration behind my video knitcast / virtual knit-in, Would Knit Be Fun.

Every month I’m inviting someone from the fiber world to be my guest on the knitcast. I interview them about their unique experiences in the industry and we get to hear stories that are fun and unexpected – like last month when Erin Pirro of Morehouse Farm told us how she taught Martha Stewart to shear sheep!

Erin Pirro of Morehouse Farm Merino is smiling as she's being interviewed on "Would Knit Be Fun."

Each month I pick a skill or technique to demonstrate based on the suggestions and requests you send me in advance. While it’s not as in-depth as my classes, I love being able to help you solve a problem or understand something that’s been giving you difficulties in your knitting. This month I’ll be demonstrating a simple two-color cast-on that you’re going to love adding to your knitting toolbox.

What makes this a lot more fun for me is that some of you have the opportunity to join me live via Zoom while we’re recording. That means you can ask questions via the chat, and even (if you want) to appear on video and show off what you’re knitting. Joining in on the fun this way is free, but the spots are limited, so you have to register in advance.

The next episode is this Friday, February 5, at 7-8:30 pm EST (4-5:30 pm Pacific time). My guest will be Christine Walker, the owner of Peacetree Knitting and Yoga Adventures. I’m excited to hear her take on the connection between knitting and yoga, and maybe some behind-the-scenes stories of what it’s like to be a retreat planner.

If you can’t join us live this Friday, you can catch all of my knitcasts on YouTube. You can see the next few episodes’ planned guests and links to register for those on my knitcast info page. You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel if you’d like to be notified every time another episode drops. Right now that’s happening on the First Friday of every month, but if you love this and want to see more of it, let me know and I will increase the frequency of the episodes.

Have you got a suggestion for a technique you’d like to see me demonstrate, or a guest you’d like me to invite? If so, leave it in the comments.