Amy Snell | Knitter, Instructor, Collector of Yarn
10 Yarn Commandments
August 27, 2020
Thou shalt makest the projects thou enjoyest making, and use the yarn thou enjoyest using and can afford, yea verily even though it be not the yarn or projects all the “cool knitters” prefer.
Thou shalt not feel bad about the yarn or projects thou preferrest, for knitting is THY hobby and should be done to pleaseth thyself.
Thou shalt not feel obligated to knit for everyone who requesteth it of thee, but rather shalt thou knit for for those of thine own choosing.
When thou giftest thy knitting, thou shalt let go of expectations around the use and care of thy handknits, yea verily even if thou hast included detailed instructions. Ifest thou canst not do this, then shalt thou not giftest thy handknits.
Thou shalt swatch.
Thou shalt purchase extra yarn for thy project, yea, even though it be the same yarn called for in the pattern, as thou mayest be a tighter or looser knitter than the designer and this shalt affect the amount of yarn thou shalt need.
Thou shalt pay for thy patterns and not give away copies to others who have not paid for them, lest thy favorite designers starve.
Thou shalt respect the work of other knitters who have gone before thee, and not disregard comments on the pattern that say it is unclear or riddled with errors.
Thou shalt not throw wool garments into thy washing machine, unless a miniature version of thy knitwear pleaseth thee, or else unless thy garments be made from superwash (but even then, takest thou care).
Thou shalt not takest thy knitting too seriously, nor any commandments, lest thy hobby become a burden. Yea verily, enjoy thy knitting and the fruits of thy labor shall be pleasing unto thee and unto all who partakest of their glory.