Good Dog
This is Koda, the sweet GSD who has graced our family these past 10 years.

We adopted her from a local breed rescue organization when she was 10 months old. From the start, she made our family better. She helped us remember to be kinder to each other.
Koda loved chasing after balls and frisbees and sticks. She was a fierce protector of our backyard from squirrels. She loved to chew antlers so much she wore down her teeth on them.
Koda loved fresh veggies and fruits. She loved to help herself to the pears and persimmons that dropped from our trees and always put on a few extra pounds at harvest time. She loved the salmon treats that came in the Trader Joe’s advent calendar so much that she perked up just hearing the word “advent.”
Koda loved the beach, she loved the snow, and she loved to wade into lakes and calm ocean waters. She could swim but preferred not to, and reminded us of that quite clearly if we threw the ball or frisbee too far.
Koda was the most communicative dog I’ve ever met.
These days I’m not sure what she still loves or what she still remembers loving, except that she clearly still loves us. And she’s continued to let us know that, even as her last days approach.
If I’m a little slower to respond over the next little bit, it’s because I’m struggling with learning to say goodbye to this sweet girl, making the hard decisions that come with that, and trying to make the rest of the time she has with us as sweet and comfortable as possible.
Good girl, Koda. Good girl.

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