Long-Tail Cast-On: Not Just for Knits!
Did you know that the long tail cast on isn’t just for knits? You can work it for purling, too, which means you can work a ribbed cast on that perfecting matches the patterning in your knitted piece, all the way to the edge.
I suggest a knit-purl long-tail cast-on in several of my designs, such as in Pride Goeth Before the Shawl and the Powderbowl Cowl. But it’s useful anywhere your’re starting off with some ribbing, bringing a lovely finish to those starting edges.
Here’s my YouTube video that demonstrates the techinique. I’m sure you’ll find it a great addition to your knitting toolbox.
This is one of many tutorials I’ve got on YouTube; any time a pattern of mine uses a technique that may be unfamiliar, I try to put a little video up there. There’s a full playlist of them you can view, and you can also browse them here on my site.
If you’re the type who likes to stay up-to-date with things, you can also subscribe to my YouTube channel, which has all the episodes of my video podcast, Would Knit Be Fun? — featuring interviews with fabulous knitters like Gaye Glasspie, Patty Lyons, Kim McBrien Evans, Yasmen McCoy, and lots more.
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