New Thoughts About New Year’s Resolutions
Happy New Year, knitters! Do you make New Year’s resolutions? I generally don’t, but I was thinking about them in new ways, particularly in terms of my knitting, and realized I did have things I wanted to change about the ways I relate to my knitting. That comes down to a very few things I want to keep in mind.
This year, I am resolving to:
- Knit the things I want to knit.
- In yarn I like.
- If it requires a new skill, jump in and learn it.
And that’s pretty much it. Knitting is a hobby, and I believe that means it’s meant to bring me joy. So I’m going to do my best this year to remember to knit what I like, in yarn I’m excited to work with, and let the rest go.

What will that mean for my design work this year? It might mean I publish fewer designs this year, it will almost certainly mean I’m more choosy about what designs I work on, and it will almost certainly mean that the designs I bring to life are the ones I’m really passionate about creating, both as a knitter and as a designer.
It also means I’m always open to learning new techniques. That’s not new for me. I love to learn and I’m all about expanding my skills. It’s one of the things I like best about knitting — it’s an easy skill to pick up, but if you’re interested in deepening your skill set, there’s always something else to learn.
If you’re excited to expand your skills this year, then I have plenty of classes on the schedule; just take a look at the sidebar for the most up-to-date list. And I’ve been scheduling lots of classes with guilds and private knitting groups, which I love to teach. If you’ve got a group that’s interested in a specific class of mine, you can reach out to me at deviousknitter(at) (replace the (at) with an @ symbol). My full class catalog is at and there’s really a ton there. I can also work with your group to tweak the content or length of some of these classes to get just what you want out of them.
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