Off to See the Knitters!
Today’s a packing day for me, as I’m getting ready for a very busy weekend. I’ll be teaching Friday at the Mountain and Valley Wool Festival in Santa Fe, Sunday at Lambtown in Dixon, California, and Monday (virtually) with Melissa Leapman and Friends.
It’s always tons of fun for me to get to teach in person and hang out with all the knitters. You can bet I’m excited about it! If you’re interested in joining me for one of these classes, there are links in the sidebar; most of them do still have openings.
Trips like these mean packing not only my clothes but my knitting samples, which often take up more room than the clothes. The little bag is my personal stuff. The big one is all the knitting stuff.

Once I’ve got all the teaching stuff together there’s always the question of what knitting to bring. That never gets easier and I never seem to be capable of bringing too little. I have a few designs I’m trying to finish up for deadlines, but there’s also my Avena sweater, which is smaller than it used to be because I decided I didn’t like the size of the neckline. I have a thing against too-wide necks, especially on yoke sweaters. I cast it on again a bit smaller and added a couple of short rows before restarting the colorwork, and now I’m much happier with the neck.

I’ve only got about this much on the needles now, which means it’s unlikely to make it to Rhinebeck, but in the end I’ll have a sweater I’m happier with, and that’s what matters.
Given that I’m working it in seven colors, that one may not be the ideal travel project for this weekend, so I may pick up one of the four or five pairs of socks-in-progress lying around here to tuck inside my tote bag.
What’s your favorite travel knitting?
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Time for Another Knitalong!